Vix’s Licks Pt. 04


This is Part 4 of Vix’s story. Best enjoyed after reading parts 1 to 3, so that you know the background.



I stood naked in front of the full-length mirror and looked at myself. I’m still astonished that Roo thinks I’m gorgeous. Olivia, too, once told me I was ‘flawless,’ or some such tosh, but I struggle to see it.

My hair is fine and flyaway, and its natural colour is a mousy brown — an unfortunate blend of Mum’s brunette and Dad’s sandy blond – hence, I keep it to collar length and dye it a mad colour. My face is pretty – everyone says so — but it’s a girl’s face. Not very womanly. I’m fairly short, and slim, but I do have modest curves.

I’m not the classic English “pear shape,” but I’m definitely a bit more more hippy than busty, though that does give me a nice rounded bum. No, I’m not telling you my measurements.

My tits are small, but cute, I think, and my nipples are startling when I’m turned on. If they were on Roo’s boobs they’d be spectacular. I have a nice flat stomach but my pussy is very shy. In fact, if I don’t deliberately reveal its charms, there’s nothing much to see at all, apart from its little patch of pale-coloured pubes, which I keep very tightly trimmed. I sometimes wish it were more like Olivia’s. Gosh, hers was so rude and fleshy. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

I suppose it’s human nature to wish we were more this, or less that, but… I pushed up my boobs to make them seem bigger, then dropped them and stamped my foot to make them jiggle a bit, then I teased my pussy lips apart to show my little pink petals, turning sideways to admire them in profile, and pulling up with my fingers to make my clit stand out. Then I ran my hands over my hips and struck a provocative pose with my legs apart…

‘Yeah, you’re pretty sexy Vix,’ I thought to myself. I decided I should be happy that there was nothing bad or ugly about me, and to just bask in Roo’s adulation. AND enjoy HER body, which is much more beguiling than mine. In fact, just thinking about her made my nipples start to harden, and to start a little glow in my pussy. Oh God, here we go again…

I got out my favourite vibrator and, reclining on my pillows with legs akimbo, I turned it on and eased it between my lips. It slipped into my already-wet pussy so easily. I slid it, slowly and smoothly, in and out, relishing the sensation of its ribs rippling wetly through my entrance. Occasionally, I slipped it out and brought the tip of it up to give my clit a little buzz, then plunged it back in, pushing it as deep as possible, and quivering at the sensations as the toy vibrated the very core of me.

I very quickly gave myself a delicious, dribbly orgasm, with jerky little aftershocks as I kept the toy deep inside me and rolled it around my walls with my hands. Before my pulsing contractions had finished, I pulled the vibe out, bringing a final little squirt, which was caught by the towel I had under my bum. When you are as wet as I am, you always need to have a towel.

I sighed, contentedly, then nipped into the bathroom for a pee and a quick shower, then returned to the bedroom to dress. I was still feeling a little horny, but I made myself wait for Roo to arrive. It was Friday morning and she was coming over in the afternoon. I had no lectures today, so I didn’t need to go into uni. I could spend my time however I liked.

I stood in front of the mirror again as I put on my undies, and I pulled my knickers up very tight into my pussy, just to admire the shape my vulva made through the fabric. Mm, cute. Then I put on my bra and brushed my fingers over my nipples, making them stand out, tenting the fabric. I may not be the most gorgeous, voluptuous woman, but I do know what sexy is, and I love being it. Sexy, I mean. I gave myself a nudge and snapped out of this self-absorbed reverie.

I dressed and went down to make myself some breakfast. Mum and Dad were out shopping, so I indulged myself and made French toast, using a fruit loaf with sultanas and orange peel, dusted with icing sugar. Very indulgent. I don’t particularly have a sweet tooth, but just sometimes…

Anyway, it was scrumptious, and after a cup of coffee, I took myself off into the studio to do some practicing. I needed to step up if I wasn’t to be overshadowed by my new bandmates.

We’d been rehearsing every Saturday for a few weeks now, and we already had a decent song list. Mum and Dad said our sound was already ‘really tight,’ and it wouldn’t be long before we could start gigging. I still felt a little awed by my bandmates though, and had an acute sense of needing to improve.

I practiced the main riff from Joanne Shaw Taylor’s “White Sugar,” which is a little tricky to get just right. I couldn’t believe Jemma could play this at the age of 12.

I also did some vocal practice; my voice is quite high – it’s nothing like Mads’ syrupy tones – but it suits certain songs. Actually, it was a good thing our voices were so different. It made it easier to decide who sang what.

I was singing to a backing track, belting out Gossip’s Pendik travesti “Standing in the Way of Control,” when the door opened and Dad walked in, grinning from ear to ear. He walked over to me and just gave me the biggest, squeeziest hug. ‘You sound great, Spark (he sometimes calls me that). Really fantastic.’

‘Thanks Dad,’ I said, hugging him back.

‘I think your band is going to be great. It seems to be coming together really well. Not many bands start off like this. I know my first one didn’t.’

‘Aww, thanks Dad,’ I said again. ‘That means a lot, coming from you.

We picked up our guitars and started jamming, just playing along with each other. There was no song initially, just a rhythmic rocking vibe, but it morphed into The Chootes song “Coco Fire” and Dad started singing. Usually, Lindi would do the harmonies with him, but I know that song so well I had no trouble picking up Lindi’s parts.

I don’t know why, but I found this experience very emotional. Playing and singing with my dad. We used to do it a lot when I was little, but this was the first time in years, and it brought tears to my eyes. When we finished, he grinned and hugged me again, our guitars clashing discordantly as we embraced, and I swear his eyes were a little misty too. Some quality daddy-daughter bonding was going on, that’s for sure.

Back in the house, over lunch, I sounded Mum and Dad out over an idea I had. There is a second house on the same plot as ours. It’s an old cottage that has been there since before the bigger house was built. When we bought the big house, the cottage was in a dilapidated state, and it stayed like that for a while, but then Dad decided to get it completely renovated, with the intention of using it as a guest house. He thought band members could stay there when they were recording etc. but in fact, once it was finished it was hardly used, and it was just sitting there empty, down near the end of the drive. It looked great, but it was a bit of a folly, really.

My idea was that we could rent it to Roo – if she wanted. It would get her away from that seedy area of Hornchurch, and it would also bring her closer to me — so my motives were not entirely altruistic.

Mum and Dad listened to my proposal and Dad looked thoughtful. Mum looked at him and shrugged slightly. ‘I can see why you’d want Roo to be close by, that’s natural, but I have two issues with it,’ he said. ‘Firstly, it’s still early days for you two. I know it’s all very new and exciting, but you don’t really know if this relationship is going to endure.’ I started to protest, but he stopped me. ‘I’m just being cautious Pet. You know how your enthusiasm tends to run away with you.’

I knew he was right, but I still didn’t want to hear it. In my mind, Roo and I were already solid as a rock. There was no point in arguing though. I could tell that. ‘What’s the second issue?’

‘Well, I know we don’t use the cottage much, but it’s still handy to have it there if we have guests.’

I’d already considered this objection though – ‘Yes, but I could say to Roo that if we do have guests coming, she could temporarily vacate the cottage and move into one of the spare rooms in the house,… or share with me, like she does at weekends.’

Mum raised an eyebrow and gave me a look. ‘I’m not sure Roo would like that… having to move out, even temporarily, once she was settled in, even if it meant sharing with you.’

‘I’ll have to talk to her about it. Can I at least raise it as a possibility for the future?’

‘OK, yes, you can do that,’ said Dad.

‘In the meantime, there’s no problem with her staying there occasionally, or the other girls in your band for that matter, if you wanted to have regular rehearsals, in the summer vacation, maybe,’ Mum suggested.

I jumped up and kissed her. ‘OK, I’ll talk to Roo about it.’ I grinned. ‘She’s coming over later on, ready for tomorrow’s session.’

I couldn’t wait for her to arrive, so I could tell her and show her the cottage, but I had no idea how she’d respond because we’d never really talked about her living arrangements. She might be perfectly happy in her flat. She had certainly never grumbled about it.

Around 4pm, I was expectantly peering out of the window when the little blue van hove into view, and I grabbed the cottage keys from the safe and dashed outside to meet her. She got out of the van, and I grabbed her for a wonderful “missed you” kiss. I pressed her up against the side of the van and held her there for a full-on snog, and she returned the kiss with equal fire, as she always does. For all I knew, my parents might have been looking, but I didn’t care.

‘Mm mm, now that’s the kind of welcome I love,’ she breathed when our lips finally separated.

I squeezed her tight and said ‘Ooh I’m so glad you’re back, Roo. C’mon, I’ve something to show you. Leave your bag in the van for now,’ and I took her by the hand and set off down the drive.

She looked puzzled. ‘Where are you taking me?’

‘Just to the cottage, there’ I said, pointing. I unlocked Pendik travestileri the door, and we stepped inside. It smelled a little stale, but there was still a hint of the aroma of brand-new furniture. The interior was so beautifully done, it was a crying shame that it wasn’t being used really.

‘Wow, is this empty?’ she said, and I nodded. She gazed around, ‘It’s gorgeous.

‘Dad had it done as a guest house, but it’s hardly used.’ I showed her the cosy lounge, the dining room, the fully equipped kitchen, and the utility room, then took her upstairs to see the two bedrooms and the bathroom with its giant shower cubicle. She was wide-eyed throughout.

‘It’s a bit of a waste that it’s left empty, isn’t it?’ she said, as we descended the stairs.

‘YES,’ I said. ‘That’s why I’m showing you.’ She looked puzzled again. ‘Mum says you can stay here sometimes if you want. I’ve been talking about having regular rehearsals when I finish uni and she says other band members can stay too. I’ve also talked to Dad about you renting it long-term at some point in the future, if you want to.’

‘Really? What, you mean living here full time?’

‘Yeh. Eventually, If you want to. Maybe.’ I watched her anxiously for a response but she wasn’t giving much away. She just said ‘hm’ and went through into the kitchen again. She does that. It’s her way of buying thinking time.


She gazed around again, then said ‘It’s certainly a fantastic place, and thanks, but it would be a big step for me, babe, y’know?’

‘Yeh, of course… I felt a little bit awkward now. I suddenly realised I was maybe rushing things a bit. ‘I don’t mean to seem pushy, Roo, but it’s something to think about though, eh?’

‘Definitely. I will.’ She smiled.

‘You can stay here sometimes though, when we’re rehearsing, yeh?

‘Oh yeah, that would save me loads of horrible driving.’

She grabbed me round the waist and pulled me close for a kiss. ‘Oh, lovely Vix, you’re such a generous soul.’ I chuckled slightly and kissed her, thrilling as usual to the feeling of being close to her, feeling wanted and desired, and my hand came up, almost involuntarily, to cup her breast. I just love to feel the weight and plumpness of her boobs. They aren’t huge, but just that alluring bit fuller than mine.

‘Mmm, what was that you were saying about being pushy?’ she murmured. ‘Don’t worry, you can have as much of those as you want, later.’ I felt a little thrill go through me. I loved the thought of that.

It was actually lucky we didn’t succumb to our desires and make love right there and then on the cottage’s living room sofa, tempted though I was, because, within a minute or two, Mum and Dad appeared.

‘Hi Roo,’ said Dad, with that slight, uncharacteristic bashfulness he always has around her, ‘What do you think?’

‘It’s fantastic. I love the way you’ve modernised yet kept the old character.’

‘You can thank Tess for that,’ he said. ‘She was chief designer and visionary.’

‘Oh, that’s not quite true,’ said Mum. ‘I had some input from you and Vix, and even a bit from Lindi.’

As she was talking, I was admiring her look. She was wearing a long, figure-hugging red cotton dress that really showed off her curves. And she does have a fantastic body, even in her late 40s. I envied the womanly shape of her bum and hips, and even the slight swell of her tummy. Her breasts are full and rounded; a little bigger, but not as rudely pert as Roo’s, but I even found that quite sexy. Dad’s a lucky guy.

Look at me. Getting turned on by my mum again! Sometimes I’m appalled by what an endlessly horny piece I am.

We walked back up to the house, and Dad said, ‘Come and sit at the kitchen table. I want to talk to you.’

‘Oo er,’ I thought, ‘what can this be?’

Mum made tea and we sat making small talk, while waiting expectantly for Dad to spill what was on his mind. Eventually, he got there. ‘This band of yours… We both think it’s going to be great.’ Mum nodded. ‘At first, we thought it might not gel, but you’re making real progress. I think we need to start thinking about a few things. First, when your setlist is long enough, I think you should start gigging. I’ll sound out some local contacts.

‘After that, I think we should start writing some original material. Your mum and I will help you. We have both written hit songs, so there’s a good chance you can too.’

I was fizzing with excitement, and I could see that Roo was also struggling to contain her glee.

He went on, ‘But that’s not all. The third thing is, The Chootes are on tour next year; 20-odd dates across Europe. If we can put together a series of local gigs for you this winter, and they go well, I want you to support us on tour.’

My jaw almost hit the table. Roo’s too. ‘Really?’ I jumped up and went to hug him, and Roo clasped her hands together with excitement. Then I danced around the kitchen, doing my little hop jig that is reserved for times when I’m deliriously happy.

Dad grinned and shook his head at my ebullient antics. ‘We need Travesti pendik to get the girls together and tell them, but I’ll let you have the pleasure of doing that if you want.’

I went and kissed him on the cheek again, then remembered to kiss Mum as well — she had obviously been behind this too.

‘Are you touring again soon Mum?’ I asked her, not wanting her to feel left out.

‘No, I’m still putting my new album together. We start recording soon at Abbey Road. When that’s released, then I’ll think about a tour to promote it.’

I looked at Roo and gave her a ridiculous, over exaggerated grin. It was all taking off. I felt like wonderful things were about to happen.

‘Thanks Jack — and you Tess — this is a golden opportunity for me,’ said Roo.

‘You’re welcome, Roo.’ I’m sure he blushed slightly… ‘Oh, and your band is going to need a name.’


I was so glad that my room was tucked away in the “east wing” of the house, and separated from Mum and Dad’s by three doors and the living room, because the noise I made that night as Roo made love to me was probably alarming and inhuman.

I was already horny, from our embraces in the cottage, and abuzz from the momentous discussion before dinner. Add to that a few glasses of wine and then Roo’s dirty little foreplay games, and I was ready to explode. My orgasms that night were incandescent.

When Roo is feeling horny, she has a tendency to play the naughtiest, dirtiest, foreplay games I’ve ever experienced. She literally drives me crazy with lust. On this occasion, we’d been lounging on my bed in just our underwear, watching music videos, with an occasional bit of steamy kissing and cuddling, when she suddenly got up. ‘Need a pee.’

When she returned, she was naked, making my heart leap in my chest. ‘Oh, wow,’ I said, sitting up, but she just gave me a lewd look and walked over to the bedside table, where there was a half-empty bottle of wine. The bottle had a long, tapered neck and she picked it up and turned to face me. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, and she stood in front of me. Then, in a display that filled me with shock and awe, she parted her legs and slipped the neck of the bottle into her pussy.

With a look of pure wickedness on her face, she fucked herself slowly with the bottle, holding it with both hands and pushing it home until the whole of the neck was inside her, then easing it back out. I watched, transfixed as the neck of the bottle emerged, inch by inch, shiny with her creamy juice, which gave the dark brown glass a slick, translucent coating of her whitish liquid.

After two or three long, lingering thrusts, she pulled the bottle out with a deep “pop,” raised it to her lips and took a long swig, deliberately letting some wine and pussy cream dribble from the corners of her mouth, then she slipped it back in for a few more slow, juicy thrusts.

I tore my eyes away from her sex and looked up at her. She was looking down at me with SUCH a naughty smirk on her face. She was loving this. I mean, fucking herself with the bottle must have felt amazing, but she was also getting a kick out of the effect this was having on ME. My pussy juice glands were working overtime and the gusset of my pants already felt distinctly squelchy. The aroma of hot, aroused women filled the air.

‘Want a taste?’ she asked, knowing full well I was gagging for it, and I just groaned my craving. She slipped the bottle out, ran the mouth up and down her slick, slippery lips a couple of times, then fed it to me, like she was bottle-feeding a baby.

The glass was amazingly hot — pussy hot — and the feel of it, and the combination of the wine and the taste and smell of her pussy was simply mind-blowing. I thrust my hand urgently into my knickers and frigged myself to a scorching, screaming orgasm, throwing myself back on the bed and crying out as if in anguish.

She put the bottle aside and lay next to me, quietly coaxing herself to a gentle shuddery orgasm with her fingers as I gradually recovered.

‘Did you like that?’ she asked, giving new meaning to the term “rhetorical question.”


‘Fucking hell, babe, you are SO friggin BAD!’ She smiled happily. She LOVED this. And so did I, obviously.

I was fully warmed up now, and I grabbed the wine bottle and took a swig from it, savouring again the salty coating around the mouth and neck with my tongue. I held it upright on the bed, very close to where Roo was lying, then knelt astride it. She helped me to hold the bottle steady as I slowly sat back on it, pushing it all the way up into my slippery wet cunt until I could feel the shoulders of the bottle stretching my opening tight. Then I started to move up and down, fucking the bottle slowly and lasciviously. I loved the way the lip of the bottle felt as it was “sucked” by my tight little tube, my inner flesh rippling over its bulge.

Roo wriggled round until she could get her head under me, then she took great pleasure in licking my cream from the bottle each time it emerged from my hot pussy. With a little more swivel of her head she was able to get her tongue on my clit each time I pressed down, and this was how I reached a second, even more intense orgasm. I realised this would be a very wet affair and I raised myself up off the bottle and frigged my clit ecstatically as the climax consumed me.

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